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Blog Archive

The Difference Between Epidural Steroid Injections and Nerve Blocks Mar 2nd, 2025

It’s time to start dealing with your chronic pain — but where do you start? The wonderful thing about modern medicine is that you have more options than ever before; however, that also complicates the journey to less pain.  Dr. Raul Lopez and our West Texas Pain Institute are here...

How and Why Men and Women Experience Pain Differently Feb 1st, 2025

We all know about the battle of the sexes, but when it comes to pain, we’d rather lay our weapons down and take a closer look at how we can best serve men and women in chronic pain.  One study found that women actually respond worse to opioid-based intervention than...

Is Sciatica Pain Keeping You Up At Night? Here’s How To Find Relief Jan 10th, 2025

Back pain rarely takes a rest when you do, which means you’re not only limping along through your daily tasks but also not getting anywhere near the amount of sleep you need to function.  That’s where Dr. Raul Lopez and our West Texas Pain Institute team come in.  We offer...

How Long Should You Power Through Pain Before Seeking Medical Help? Dec 17th, 2024

For some reason, we tend to ignore pain — if we just don’t acknowledge it, maybe it’ll go away on its own. But pain is a key part of your body’s built-in communication system. It tells you when something’s wrong and it needs help.  If we fail to listen, we could...

How Can I Prevent New Compression Fractures After My Vertebroplasty? Nov 8th, 2024

Vertebroplasties are one of our most powerful tools against spinal compression fractures, but the second lease on your spine isn’t a guarantee. The threat of a new fracture still looms, and we want to give you every bone health tool we have.  Dr. Raul Lopez and our West Texas Pain...

Epidural Injections vs. Radiofrequency Ablation: Which Provides Longer Pain Relief? Oct 16th, 2024

Chronic pain is a constant battle, and so is the search for relief.  When over-the-counter medications aren’t working, and prescriptions aren’t helping either, you need next-level pain relief. Our board-certified interventional pain specialists, Dr. Raul Lopez, Dr. William Lian, and Dr.  Kendrick Thomas, at the West Texas Pain Institute in...

It’s More Than Just Pain: The Lesser-Known Effects of Chronic Pain Sep 11th, 2024

Chronic pain (pain that lasts for more than six months) seldom contains itself in your musculoskeletal system. Unfortunately, our patients also experience struggles in other areas of their health at the hands of their chronic pain.  In this blog, Dr. Raul Lopez and our team at the West Texas Pain...

How Often Do Spinal Cord Stimulators Need to be Reprogrammed? Aug 15th, 2024

Spinal cord stimulation is one of our most powerful weapons against back pain, but getting your stimulator is only the start of your pain-free journey.  Periodically, we need to reprogram your spinal cord stimulator to make sure you continue to receive the highest level of care.  In this blog, Dr....

You Don’t Have to Live with Fibromyalgia Pain: You Have Options Jul 3rd, 2024

Fibromyalgia is one of the most frustrating pain conditions to have. There’s no widely accepted diagnostic test for fibromyalgia, which means the condition often goes mis- or undiagnosed.  In fact, men are 20 times more likely to have fibromyalgia than are diagnosed, and women are three times more likely.  However,...

Fluoroscopy 101: What it is and Why Your Doctor May Use One to Help Treat You Jun 19th, 2024

You heard your upcoming procedure will involve fluoroscopy — what exactly does that mean? Don’t panic. Fluoroscopy may sound like a science experiment, but it’s a safe, minimally invasive imaging test used nationwide in doctor’s offices.  Dr. Raul Lopez at the West Texas Pain Institute has years of experience performing...

How Long Does the Surgical Cement Used for a Compression Fracture Last? May 13th, 2024

Kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty are two of our most remarkable answers to spinal compression fractures. These minimally invasive procedures quickly repair cracks in your vertebra and restore height to your spine, all with the help of specially formulated surgical cement.  In this blog, Dr. Raul Lopez and our team at the...

Consider One of These Regenerative Medicine Treatments to Relieve Your Pain Apr 1st, 2024

You’ve tried to manage pain with creams and cold compresses — why not give science a chance? We’re not talking about radical new treatments or even invasive surgeries. We’re talking about minimally invasive treatments rooted in biology.  Regenerative medicine has proven time and again to be an effective weapon against...

Telehealth: The Advantages of Telemedicine Feb 20th, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered dramatic changes throughout everyday life — and in the medical community as well. Not only are providers across the country postponing elective procedures, but many are also encouraging people to avoid in-office appointments to reduce their risk of exposure to this highly contagious coronavirus. But...

3 Phases of Radiofrequency Ablation Feb 15th, 2024

Your nervous system is your body’s (incredibly complex) communication system. From top to toe, it tells your brain everything that’s happening inside and outside your body.  Unfortunately, your nerves aren’t perfect; sometimes, they send faulty signals telling your brain you’re in pain. When that’s the case, you need a treatment...

I’m Nervous About Getting An Epidural Injection. What Should I Expect? Feb 7th, 2024

Back pain often responds best to targeted treatments like epidural injections. With this simple injection, we can neutralize your pain and significantly reduce inflammation — but we understand if all those benefits aren’t enough to calm your needle nerves.  Whether you’re no friend to needles because of a past experience...

Who’s a Candidate for Kyphoplasty? Dec 18th, 2023

Approximately 65 million of your fellow Americans suffer from back pain — and many of them are stuck in the same boat searching for relief.  Dr. Raul Lopez and our West Texas Pain Institute team have seen back pain become the focal point of our patients’ lives, and many have...

At-Home Remedies for Fibromyalgia Dec 1st, 2023

Fibromyalgia is a tricky condition. Many don’t realize they have it, and even if they get a diagnosis, the next steps in your treatment plan can be hard to navigate. To top it off, there’s no cure for fibromyalgia, and doctors aren’t exactly sure what causes it.  But just because...

My Spinal Cord Stimulation Trial Didn’t Go Well: What Are My Next Steps? Nov 1st, 2023

You’ve read the research and heard the success stories — you had high hopes for spinal cord stimulation. If you’re like most, you turned to spinal cord stimulation as a last resort before facing the potential of surgery.  So, it begs the question, why isn’t it working for you, and what...

3 Chronic Pain Problems That Radiofrequency Ablation Can Alleviate Sep 30th, 2023

No matter where it comes from, chronic pain affects virtually every aspect of your well-being. Don’t you wish there was a way to turn off your pain, even for a moment? With radiofrequency ablation, you can.  Radiofrequency ablation is a groundbreaking, minimally invasive procedure that harnesses the power of radiofrequency waves...

Can PRP Injections Help Heal My Long-Standing Tendon Injury? Sep 1st, 2023

Around 33 million of your fellow Americans suffer from musculoskeletal injuries — roughly half of which involve tendons or ligaments. You might think a tendon injury like tendonitis is reserved for the avid athlete, but the truth is anyone and everyone is vulnerable. And when you do injure your tendon, the resulting pain...

Your Complete Guide to Optimal Recovery Following Kyphoplasty Aug 1st, 2023

Your spine is nothing short of a feat of engineering. The 33 vertebrae are perfectly designed to support you throughout your life. Unfortunately, age, disease, and injury damage your spine, making you vulnerable to painful spinal fractures. When that happens, Dr. Raul Lopez and our team at West Texas Pain Institute in El Paso, Texas, turn...

All About Spinal Cord Stimulation for Neuropathic Pain Jul 1st, 2023

Life comes to a screeching halt when you’re in pain. And in the case of neuropathy, searching for relief can be just as frustrating as the pain itself. Upwards of 20 million Americans have neuropathy, but some say that number is much higher because the condition can go undiagnosed as...

Fibromyalgia Pain Management: 7 Effective Treatment Strategies to Try Jun 1st, 2023

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain condition that affects millions of people — but even with so many fellow sufferers, it can also be one of the most isolating conditions.   Don't go it alone.  We know how overwhelming the battle for relief is when you have fibromyalgia. So, our team at...

PRP: A Game-Changing Solution for Arthritis-Related Joint Pain May 1st, 2023

Are you tired of dealing with chronic joint pain caused by arthritis? Do you feel like you've tried every treatment option and found no relief?  It's time to consider PRP therapy. This Arthritis Awareness Month, Dr. Raul Lopez and our team at the West Texas Pain Institute in El Paso, Texas, highlight PRP as a game-changing...

When Should I Consider Radiofrequency Ablation for My Back Pain Problem? Apr 1st, 2023

Back pain can stop you in your tracks and make every movement agony. If you’re worried that you won’t find a treatment that will work for you, you’re in the right place.  Dr. Raul Lopez and our team at West Texas Pain Institute are proud to offer a wide range of comprehensive back pain treatments,...

Is Kyphoplasty the Best Option for Me If I Have Osteoporosis? Mar 1st, 2023

Osteoporosis is a sneaky condition that causes tiny cracks to crop up in your bones — sometimes without your realizing it. The good news is that there’s a way to address those fractures quickly, no scalpel required.  Here, our team at the West Texas Pain Institute, led by pain medicine...

How Long Can an Epidural Injection Keep My Pain Away? Feb 1st, 2023

Back pain is fickle and frustrating. It can come from various causes and trigger a wide array of often debilitating symptoms. But whether your back pain is just a nagging ache or a sharp pain that stops you in your tracks, you may benefit from an epidural injection.  If you...

Repairing Your Spinal Fracture with Surgical Cement Jan 1st, 2023

Fracturing your spine sounds horrible, but it’s more common (and not as frightening) than you might think. It’s estimated that spinal fractures occur 1.5 million times yearly in the United States — and those are just the ones that get reported. Unfortunately, many chalk what’s a fracture up to some...

Posture Mistakes You're Making That Worsen Your Back Pain Dec 1st, 2022

Most of us are no strangers to the twinges and aches of back pain. In fact, nearly 8 out of 10 people experience some degree of back pain during their lives. To make matters worse, back pain can come from anywhere. Injuries, degenerative diseases, and other health complications all contribute...

How a Spinal Cord Stimulator Trial Works Nov 1st, 2022

There’s a reason department stores have fitting rooms — everyone wants to try before they buy. Why can’t it be the same with pain management? With spinal cord stimulation, it is. We know how important it is to feel confident in your treatments before you commit to them. Here, our team...

Does Radiofrequency Ablation Treatment Hurt? Oct 1st, 2022

Pain can be a real pain sometimes. What if we told you there’s a simple, pain-free way to “shut off” your nerves and stop them from sending pain signals?  It might sound too good to be true (or too good to be painless), but with radiofrequency ablation, pain-free treatment is...

How Vertebroplasty Can Repair Your Fractured Bones Sep 1st, 2022

Like dams that hold back raging rivers or steel beams that hold up skyscrapers, one vulnerability is all it takes to compromise your spine. Spinal compression fractures are one of the most common threats to your spine’s health, affecting nearly 1 million people yearly.  That’s why we prioritize treatments that...

Can an Epidural Injection Relieve My Sciatica? Aug 7th, 2022

Sciatica is one of the most common (and most misunderstood) types of back pain. Upwards of 40% of people will develop this painful condition at some point during their life. Sadly, many of them will struggle to find an effective way to relieve their pain — and some will fail altogether.  We...

The 3 Steps of Radiofrequency Ablation Jul 6th, 2022

Nearly 20% of American adults — that’s about 50 million people — live with chronic pain. If you’re one of them, you know how frustrating the search for relief can be. Fortunately, there’s a way to disconnect the nerves in your body that are firing off pain signals.  Sound too good to...

5 Common Causes of Lower Back Pain Jun 1st, 2022

If you struggle with back pain, you’re not alone. Nearly 65 million Americans have had a recent episode of back pain — and around 16 million have chronic back pain.  Back pain often develops suddenly and sometimes without a direct cause, which can be frustrating. That’s why Dr. Raul Lopez...

What Pain Conditions Can Regenerative Medicine Treat? May 1st, 2022

Right now, there are 50 million Americans living under the weight of chronic pain. If you’re one of them, you know how frustrating the search for relief can be. We can also bet that you’ve been told the best way to address your pain is with prescriptions, or worse, surgery.  We believe...

Can Spinal Cord Stimulation Help My Chronic Pain? Apr 1st, 2022

There are nearly 50 million US adults living with chronic pain; 16 million of them have chronic back pain. Sadly, many of them struggle to find a solution or simply put up with their symptoms and never seek treatment. Those living with untreated chronic pain usually experience other physical and...

Why Are My Vertebrae Breaking? Mar 1st, 2022

If you slip and fall on your way to the mailbox or get into a serious car collision, it’s easy to understand the effect these traumatic events can have on your spine. The bones in your back, called vertebrae, are just as susceptible to fractures as any other bone in...

The Link Between Fibromyalgia and Depression Feb 1st, 2022

Studies show that if you have fibromyalgia, you’re three times more likely to develop depression than someone without fibromyalgia.  But why? Here, Dr. Raul Lopez and our team at the West Texas Pain Institute take a closer look at fibromyalgia and depression and answer your questions about how the two...

Will Vertebroplasty Limit My Range of Motion? Jan 1st, 2022

Back pain can be debilitating, and you want nothing more than to finally find relief, but you don’t want to trade your pain for immobility.  If you need vertebroplasty, you may be wondering if you’ll be able to move normally afterward. We understand that undergoing even the most minimally invasive...

How a Nerve Block Can Help Diagnose Your Pain Dec 1st, 2021

Usually, you know exactly why you’re experiencing pain. Whether you stubbed your toe, tripped and fell, or cut your finger, the source is obvious. But other times, the underlying cause isn’t so clear. And if nothing seems to abate it, you’re left with ongoing pain plus the frustration of trying...

Can Epidural Injections Help My Sciatica? Nov 1st, 2021

You’ve likely heard about epidural injections helping women get through labor pain-free, but did you know that they serve a purpose outside the delivery room?  We recommend epidural injections for a wide variety of painful conditions, including sciatica. Here, Dr. Raul Lopez and our team at West Texas Pain Institute...

4 Benefits of Regenerative Medicine Oct 1st, 2021

What do you do when your body hurts? If you’re like most, you probably turn to your medicine cabinet, which, at best, offers temporary relief. Prescription medication is an option, but you run the risk of dependency, and surgery is an extreme you’d rather avoid if possible. If you’re in...

Vertebroplasty: What to Expect Before and After Your Treatment Sep 1st, 2021

From invasive surgery to oral medication, there are many different ways to treat back pain — and millions are searching for the treatment that will work for them. Back pain is the third most common reason for doctor’s visits, closely following skin disorders and osteoarthritis.  But even if the treatment...

5 Signs of Fibromyalgia Aug 1st, 2021

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition, best known for the widespread pain it causes — but that’s not the only impact it has on your health. There’s a long list of other symptoms that often go hand in hand with fibromyalgia pain, and identifying them is crucial to helping us help...

What Is Spinal Cord Stimulation? Jul 18th, 2021

Back pain is a common condition, and many sufferers find relief through conservative treatments. Others aren’t so fortunate. If you’re among the many who struggle with back pain, we think it’s time to consider spinal cord stimulation (SCS).  Dr. Raul Lopez, our pain management specialist at the West Texas Pain...

When Is an Epidural Injection Appropriate? Jun 9th, 2021

At the West Texas Pain Institute, it’s our goal to help you live a pain-free life. To achieve that, we provide you with the very best pain management treatments available that address your pain at its source. One of these treatments is epidural injection — a minimally invasive procedure that...

Secondary Illnesses That Are Often Associated With Fibromyalgia May 18th, 2021

Whether you’ve just been diagnosed or have been living with fibromyalgia for years, you know how debilitating the widespread pain, chronic fatigue, and muscle sensitivity are.  But it doesn’t end there. A variety of health conditions accompany fibromyalgia, adding to your already long list of symptoms.  Dr. Raul Lopez and...

Who Is a Candidate for Kyphoplasty? Apr 13th, 2021

Your back is a complex structure that consists of a variety of nerves, muscles, and bones working together to hold you up and help you move. Unfortunately, despite its strength, even your back is vulnerable to injury and painful conditions, and everything from a spasm to a slipped disc can...

The Mental Toll That Comes With Chronic Pain Mar 17th, 2021

Often, pain can be a good thing. It’s your body’s way of telling you to stop what you’re doing, check for damage, and get help. But pain isn’t meant to last. When your pain persists, both your physical and mental health suffer.   In fact, if you live with chronic pain,...

Life After a Vertebroplasty Feb 9th, 2021

Although it’s minimally invasive, vertebroplasties still involve a procedure on your spine. Without the proper recovery strategy, you could find yourself back at square one when it comes to your back pain.  Fortunately, your care at West Texas Pain Institute doesn’t stop once you leave our office. Dr. Raul Lopez...

5 Tips for Managing Joint Inflammation Jan 19th, 2021

If your painful, inflamed joints are sidelining you from life, you’re not alone. The CDC estimates that 1 in 4 adults — approximately 15 million people — live with joint problems. Unfortunately, most don’t realize that there are ways to control the inflammation and find relief from pain naturally.  Our...

Oh, Those Achy Knees! We Can Help Dec 20th, 2020

Of all the joints in your body, your knee takes on most of the daily wear-and-tear. It’s no wonder, then, that your knees ache more and more with every step.  Dr. Raul Lopez, a double board-certified pain medicine specialist and anesthesiologist, and our team at West Texas Pain Institute know...

The Science Behind Epidural Injections Nov 11th, 2020

If your back is out of commission, it’s hard to get through your daily routine. The most basic movements like bending, twisting, and lifting can seem impossible — even sitting and standing are a chore.  From serums to surgeries, there are countless treatments that promise to rid you of your...

Complications of Osteoporosis Oct 13th, 2020

Of the many conditions that attack your bones, one of the most common is osteoporosis, which affects about 10 million Americans. Another 44 million have low bone density, increasing their risk of developing the disease later on. What’s even more unsettling is that many people don’t even know they have...

Can Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections Really Stop My Pain? Sep 17th, 2020

We say yes! PRP injections have proven to be safe and effective for many of our patients here at the West Texas Pain Institute, and we’d love for you to benefit from this incredible advancement in pain management. It can be daunting trying a new treatment, so our expert Dr....

Is There a Cure for Fibromyalgia? Aug 20th, 2020

Living with fibromyalgia doesn’t just mean dealing with chronic symptoms; it means constantly chasing after a cure for your pain and fatigue. If you’re one of the 4 million adults struggling under the weight of fibromyalgia pain, you know exactly how frustrating that chase can be. Fortunately, there’s an expert...

Why Radiofrequency Ablation May Be the Best Solution for Your Chronic Back Pain Jul 22nd, 2020

Your back supports just about all of your daily functions. If your back is out of commission, even resting can be excruciating. So what are your options? You can rub creams on your back or hope it goes away on its own — or you can take action and get...

Living with a Spinal Cord Stimulator Jun 25th, 2020

Approximately 60,000 spinal cord stimulators are implanted each year. If you’re one of those 60,000, then you know what it’s like to have severe back pain. You also know how difficult it can be to do things the average person does without a thought, since stimulators can present new challenges...

What Is Kyphoplasty and How Is It Used to Treat Spinal Compression Fractures? May 26th, 2020

Kyphoplasty might sound like a strange planet from a science fiction novel, but it’s actually one of the most effective procedures for treating spinal compression fractures.  Dr. Raul Lopez and his expert staff at West Texas Pain Institute specialize in treating your spinal compression fracture with kyphoplasty and are dedicated...

Telehealth Services: What Is It and When Should I Use It? Apr 1st, 2020

Imagine having the best medical care in your pocket. With telehealth services, you now have your doctor and other medical professionals on speed dial.  Over the last decade, telehealth has made a huge impact on the health care industry. Millions of people opt for telehealth services instead of traditional doctor...

Discover the Benefits of PRP Injections for Knee Arthritis Mar 18th, 2020

If you’re one of the more than 54 million adults in the United States living with arthritis, you know more than anyone how much this chronic condition affects your daily life. From pain and stiffness in the morning to reduced mobility that causes you to cut back on activities you...