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Testimonials & Reviews


West Texas Pain Institute

Pain Management Physicians located in El Paso, TX

4.76/5 Star Rating
626 total reviews

West Texas Pain Institute always appreciates feedback from our valued patients. To date, we’re thrilled to have collected 626 reviews with an average rating of 4.76 out of 5 stars. Please read what others are saying about West Texas Pain Institute below, and as always, we would love to collect your feedback.

Kamal H.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 09/22/23
I have received great services that has amazingly helped me . I would like to continue my services with you because now I'm not just a patient I have great trust for the pain institute... thank you so much
Carmen P.
3/5 Star Rating
Submitted 09/21/23
The representative is very weird and the wait is to long bit Dr Thomas is very kind
Guadalupe Q.
4/5 Star Rating
Submitted 09/20/23
Doctor is very informative very gentel
Ronnie S.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 09/19/23
Dr. Thomas is very caring and professional with his patients...
Graciela A.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 09/18/23
I was very content with the service I had. Dr explained very briefly the procedure I had done.
Pablo C.
2/5 Star Rating
Submitted 09/15/23
Sandra F.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 09/15/23
I always enjoy seeing Dr Lopez
Michael B.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 09/12/23
Very warm experience
Annabel Z.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 09/07/23
Only second visit, but I like how Dr Lopez was willing to help me with whatever I needed. Thankful I found myself a good Dr. God bless him and his staff.
Corina A.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 09/07/23
Before going to the WestTexas Pain Management Clinic I constantly had back pain. I was diagnosed and given the appropriate pain management care. I can honestly and gratefully say I got my life back! Wonderful staff and doctors!
Irma L.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 08/31/23
I always get exceptional service. Everyone is very nice and professional. Dr Lopez is not only a professional but he listens to his patients with care. So do the other doctors sand nurse practitioner.
Estela B.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 08/31/23
Gloria A.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 08/28/23
Dr. Kendrick is courteous, compassionate, a great person overall, explains procedures in plain English and his service is always prompt. (Staff also courteous & prompt - even when the office is packed with patients)
Lorena L.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 08/27/23
Im have many years with Dr. Raul Lopez and suddenly he don’t want to see me why’d??”.. then I’m been seeing Dr. William Liam ok him it’s a good Doctor he’s had given me my medication but he doesn’t giving me the shoots I’m need a doctor who”!! Can give me the shot”s “..
Wade G H.
4/5 Star Rating
Submitted 08/25/23
It was great
Alicia L.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 08/25/23
Great doctor
Blanca R.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 08/23/23
Todos ahí son muy amables y me siento mucho mejor de dolor que tenia
Maria G.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 08/22/23
El personal es muy atento .el Dr muy profesional y sus pacientes se sienten cómodos hablar con el y platicar sobre los procedimientos para la salud
Anthony L.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 08/22/23
Everyone is friendly, and very knowledgeable of what's going on. The epidural steroid appears to be working for my nerve pain radiating down my leg Physical Therapy is required to have the back heal right.
Salvador S.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 08/19/23
Muy buena