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Testimonials & Reviews


West Texas Pain Institute

Pain Management Physicians located in El Paso, TX

4.76/5 Star Rating
626 total reviews

West Texas Pain Institute always appreciates feedback from our valued patients. To date, we’re thrilled to have collected 626 reviews with an average rating of 4.76 out of 5 stars. Please read what others are saying about West Texas Pain Institute below, and as always, we would love to collect your feedback.

Richard K.
4/5 Star Rating
Submitted 12/29/22
The experience was good the only problem I had was waiting there almost 2 hours and a little bit to be seen.
Maria R.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 12/28/22
Awesome dr and staff
Alan S.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 12/24/22
Guadalupe A.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 12/21/22
Muy bien Gracias me conecto muy bien
Irene C.
4/5 Star Rating
Submitted 12/21/22
Feeling better
Angela K.
2/5 Star Rating
Submitted 12/17/22
I would give it a five but there’s one lpn that doesn’t give two shits about the Patience and accused me of having miss used my medication before he looked at my chart. Then the fact that I was dropped from pain management because I didn’t have my medication in my system even though mouths Prior I explain I fell down my stairs and the lpn said that was okay but they did not correspond to each other. Kinda sad but I fully understand. Thankfully I stated I wanted to be done with pain management by the start of the new year and that happen. I just think the one lpn needs better bedside manner and they need to communicate better!
Araceli C.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 12/12/22
Dr. Lopez is always very caring, attentive and professional. He explains everything quite well to put me at ease. His staff is amazing!
Maura V.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 12/11/22
Great doctors!!!
Jose L.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 12/10/22
Very professional helpful also caring
Robert L.
3/5 Star Rating
Submitted 11/19/22
Wait time to get in is way too long.
Susan D.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 11/17/22
Staff is very polite and helpful
Leobarda S.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 11/17/22
Muy amables
Maria M.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 11/17/22
Very professional and caring. Listens to all details and provides feedback. Very comfortable to talk to. Thank Ms. Martinez for taking care of my needs. Blessings. Also, the staff is very efficient in their work and very concerned.
Maria S.
1/5 Star Rating
Submitted 11/10/22
Dr. López was very professional and did his job. I have nothing but praise for him. I can not say that about your office staff who failed to send my RX script for the procedure. They are rude and not attentive to the needs of the patient. I had to do my procedure with out the necessary medication cause they forgot to do their job.
Carlos H.
4/5 Star Rating
Submitted 11/08/22
Que habla español y se puede comunicar más directo… más sin embargo la espera en el consultorio es pésima..lo mínimo son 3 horas.. y mucha gente en un lugar muy pequeño..
Bertha C.
2/5 Star Rating
Submitted 11/06/22
Dure 4 horas para mi primer consulta
Gustavo S.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 11/05/22
From the Dr to the Nurse practioner. To all the staff they have always answered my questions. They have always addressed all my concerns and have great attitudes. Thank you to everyone in the office that help me out every time im there.
Alma P.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 11/03/22
Friendly staff. Very helpful, efficient. Was a pleasant procedure. Thanks
Sarah F.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 10/28/22
I was so nervous going in but the staff was wonderful as usual and Dr. Lopez has a light touch. He was finished with my injections before I knew it was even over!!! Plus he is actually friendly and talks to you. Definite bonus!!!
Evelyn H.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 10/27/22
Great they listen an take very good care of u yes I would send everyone I no to dr Lopez